We will host two events: a Matinee on December 11th, at 1:00 pm and an Evening Concert on December 12th, at 6:00 pm.
- Matinee Dec. 11th: Doors open at 12:45, Concert starts at 1:00 pm.
- Daycare & Preschool Performances at the Matinee only!
- Evening Dec. 12th: 6:00pm Students are dropped off and go to classrooms via front door,
- 6:10pm Gym Doors Open, 6:30 pm Concert begins.
- Ticket information is below.
As well, please:
- ensure you have your tickets printed off when you come to the door!
- bring a non-perishable Food Item for our Food Banks.
After the Concert students will need to be picked up from their classrooms.
Unfortunately, we are limited in our capacity and families are only allowed two tickets. You are free to choose either the evening Christmas Concert on December 12th OR the Matinee on Dec 11th- NOT BOTH!
GET YOUR TWO TICKETS – Choose either the Matinee OR the Evening Concert https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/st-josephs-school-christmas-concerts-tickets-1089000924079?aff=oddtdtcreator